Donate to the Jewish Congregation of Oak Ridge
You can use the button below to donate to JCOR using your credit card or PayPal account; however, a PayPal account is not required to donate. Donations can be one time only or on a recurring basis.
Please contact us at 865-483-3581, or by email at, if you have questions about donating.
You will be asked to select from one of the following categories:
- Dues
- Yahrzeit
- Yom Kippur Appeal
- Building Fund
- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
- Community Passover Seder
- Undesignated / Use as needed
- Other (Follow the “+ Click here to provide details” link and indicate the purpose in the resulting square box after you fill in the donation amount and choose PayPal or Credit Card)
Please identify your loved one when donating for a Yahrzeit. Please identify the category when donating to the Yom Kippur Appeal.
JCOR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization. No goods or services are provided for your donation.