Jewish Federation of North America (formerly UJC)
Campaign 2015 Kickoff
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Join us at 2:00 p.m. in the JCOR Social Hall to hear guest speaker Douglas M. Bloomfield speak on Current Events in Israel.
Kickoff Luncheon
A luncheon will be served before the kickoff program. Attendance is $12 per person.
Please R.S.V.P. to Sylvia Goldenberg (482-1896 or by March 18 (Wednesday).
Douglas M cialis aus england. Bloomfield is a syndicated columnist, Washington lobbyist and consultant. His
weekly column appears in the Jerusalem Post and many other American-Jewish papers, and he also writes a regular blog for the New York Jewish Week. He spent nine years as the legislative director and chief lobbyist for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and in this position, he was responsible for developing and guiding strategy on Capitol Hill to secure military and economic aid for Israel and to strengthen US-Israel relations. As the World Jewish Congress representative in Washington, he helped coordinate the Swiss banks and Nazi gold investigations and U.S. Government support for restitution of Jewish properties seized by former Nazi and Communist regimes. He is a Capitol Hill veteran who served as a senior advisor to Congressman Benjamin S. Rosenthal of New York and a legislative assistant for Senator Hubert H. Humphrey. Prior to that he was on the editorial staff of the Cleveland (Ohio) Plain Dealer and has taught college journalism. He is a former president of the Greater Washington Jewish Community Relations Council.
JFNA is the major worldwide Jewish charitable organization, operated mostly by volunteers and managed by a small and very efficient professional team. It is ranked as one of the most competent benevolent organizations in the U.S. Our donations provide life-saving necessities to indigent Jewish individuals around the world.
We are again emphasizing fund raising for the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Since 1914, JDC has exemplified the idea that all Jews are responsible for one another. JDC works in more than 70 countries, helping to provide the vital safety net of nutritional, medical and social services to the Jewish elderly, handicapped and children in such truly needy places as, for example, Republic of Georgia and Ukraine. Therefore, the suggested donation categories this year are:
- The JFNA 2015 Campaign General Fund, and
- The American Joint Distribution Committee.
2015 Campaign Kickoff Announcement Flyer